The AppleShare IP Print Server cannot be launched because the AppleShare IP Print Config file is not installed in the Extensions folder. To start print service, install the configuration file and run AppleShare IP Easy Setup again. The AppleShare IP Mail Server cannot be launched because the AppleShare IP Mail Config file is not installed in the Extensions folder. To start mail service, install the configuration file and run AppleShare IP Easy Setup again. The AppleShare IP Web and File Server cannot be launched because the AppleShare IP Web and File Config file is not installed in the Extensions folder. To start web and file service, install the configuration file and run AppleShare IP Easy Setup again. Some AppleShare IP services may not have started up. Use the AppleShare IP Manager to see which services are not running. Use the appropriate administration program to start the services that have not started. AppleShare IP Easy Setup cannot start up because AppleShare IP initialization was stopped. To use AppleShare IP Easy Setup, please wait for initialization to complete. You will need to type in your computer's host name in order to set up MacDNS. An example computer host name would be "". Some AppleShare IP services have not started up. Use the AppleShare IP Manager to determine which services are not running. To determine the reason, run the appropriate administration program and examine the log file for any service that did not start. AppleShare IP Easy Setup cannot start up. There may be a problem with the AppleShare IP Registry initializing. Try starting AppleShare IP Easy Setup again. Easy Setup will quit now. Server setup has been aborted. Your Sharing Setup Control Panel is not set up correctly for AppleShare IP. Please make sure that you have entered an owner name, an owner password, and a Macintosh name in the Sharing Setup Control Panel. AppleShare IP Easy Setup has detected an old Users & Groups file. If you are setting up the web and file server for use on the Internet, you will need to give these users an Internet alias before they can perform Internet activities with AppleShare IP. Another copy of AppleShare IP Easy Setup is already running on this computer. You can only have one copy of AppleShare IP Easy Setup running on a computer. This copy of AppleShare IP Easy Setup will quit now. Setup for the AppleShare IP servers was successful. Click OK to continue with AppleShare IP setup. You will need to type in the e-mail address of the system administrator in order to set up MacDNS. You will need to type in your organization's domain name in order to set up MacDNS. AppleShare IP Easy Setup cannot launch the AppleShare IP Manager because the application was not found or was not installed. AppleShare IP Easy Setup cannot launch MacDNS because the application was not found or was not installed. AppleShare IP Easy Setup cannot launch the AppleShare IP Print Server because the application was not found or was not installed. AppleShare IP Easy Setup cannot launch the AppleShare IP Mail Server because the application was not found or was not installed. AppleShare IP Easy Setup cannot launch the AppleShare IP Web & File Server because the application was not found or was not installed. The E-mail address entered is invalid. The E-mail address needs to be in the form of username@hostname. An E-mail address cannot have two adjacent dots. AppleShare IP Easy Setup requires at least 1 megabyte of free disk space to run. Free up some disk space before using AppleShare IP Easy Setup. AppleShare IP Easy Setup will quit now. The AppleShare IP Print Server application could not be started because there is not enough memory. The AppleShare IP Mail application could not be started because there is not enough memory. The AppleShare IP Web & File Server application could not be started because there is not enough memory. Please press the Set Up Servers button before proceeding to the next page. AppleShare IP Easy Setup encountered a problem reading from the AppleShare IP Setup Prefs file. Quit AppleShare IP Easy Setup, delete the AppleShare IP Setup Prefs file from the Preferences folder, and restart AppleShare IP Setup. AppleShare IP Easy Setup encountered a problem writing to the AppleShare IP Setup Prefs file. Quit AppleShare IP Easy Setup, delete the AppleShare IP Setup Prefs file from the Preferences folder, and restart AppleShare IP Setup. AppleShare IP Easy Setup cannot save your current information because the disk is full. A DNS name cannot have two adjacent dots. AppleShare IP requires AppleTalk to be turned on. Quit AppleShare IP Easy Setup and turn on AppleTalk before running AppleShare IP Easy Setup. AppleShare IP Easy Setup will quit now. A DNS host name can only contain the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, "-", and ".". The AppleShare IP Manager will not be started because the user canceled the operation. The AppleShare IP Registry is not installed or is not running. The AppleShare IP Manager application could not be started because there is not enough memory. The MacDNS application could not be started because there is not enough memory. AppleShare IP Easy Setup encountered an error while writing information to the AppleShare IP Registry. AppleShare IP Easy Setup encountered an error while reading information from the AppleShare IP Registry. AppleShare IP Easy Setup is unable to proceed because some of the information you have entered is invalid. Check the previous AppleShare IP Easy Setup pages and make sure that all of the information is entered correctly. AppleShare IP Easy Setup is unable to start the AppleShare IP Manager due to an error. AppleShare IP Easy Setup is unable to start MacDNS due to an error. AppleShare IP Easy Setup is unable to start the AppleShare IP Print Server due to an error. AppleShare IP Easy Setup is unable to start the AppleShare IP Mail Server due to an error. AppleShare IP Easy Setup is unable to start the AppleShare IP Web & File Server due to an error. An internal resource is missing. AppleShare IP Easy Setup may be corrupted. Please install a new copy. AppleShare IP Easy Setup is trying to save information to a MacDNS zone file that already exists. You can overwrite the information or save the information to a new file. The MacDNS Preferences file exists. AppleShare IP Easy Setup cannot initialize the AppleShare IP Registry. The AppleShare IP Registry is not installed or is not running. AppleShare IP Easy Setup is unable to initialize the AppleShare IP Web & File Server. AppleShare IP Easy Setup is unable to create the MacDNS zone file. AppleShare IP Easy Setup is unable to create the MacDNS Preferences file. The serial number that you entered is not valid. The AppleShare IP Web & File Server requires a serial number to start. Please check to make sure that it is typed in correctly. This software requires the AppleShare IP Registry software. Install AppleShare IP before running AppleShare IP Easy Setup. AppleShare IP Easy Setup will quit now. This software requires Open Transport 1.1.1 or greater to run. AppleShare IP Easy Setup will quit now. This software requires a PowerPC to run. AppleShare IP Easy Setup will quit now. This software requires System 7.5.5 or later to run. AppleShare IP Easy Setup will quit now. AppleShare IP Easy Setup cannot be launched because there is not enough free memory. Close open applications and restart AppleShare IP Easy Setup. AppleShare IP Easy Setup has encountered an internal error.